Sunday, February 27, 2011

don't worry it's harmless!

Last night before my formal my group of friends and I went to eat at a nice Italian restaurant near campus. We were all dressed up and excited for the formal. We sat down and ordered drinks while we gazed at the menu trying to decide what we wanted to eat. Our waiter brought bread to the table and then proceeded to take our order. I grabbed a piece of bread started eating in and then a bug crawled out of it. So of course I was freaking out and wanted to gag. The manager and waiter walked over to my side of table while my date squished the bug. He looked very calm like it was not big deal. The manager said, "Oh, don't worry those bugs are completely harmless. This has been happening all day." I just stared out him, puzzled by his reaction. My concern really wasn't that the bug was going to hurt me, it is the sanitary condition of the food that I am now questioning. This has been happening all day? Ummmm gross, maybe you should call an exterminator? Just a thought. The rest my food was very good, but I was hesitant to eat it fearing another critter would crawl out. Word to the wise, make sure you clearly examine your food before you eat it, because apparently this happens less rarely than most assume.

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