Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What did that dream tell me?

We all dream. Some of us dream very vividly and others just remember random bits and pieces. I have had some wacky dreams that caused me to wake up puzzled and have a WTF moment. It is a common assumption that most dreams are not literal, but rather are metaphoric of something that is currently going on in our head. I read about dreams in one of my psychology classes and found out many interesting things that I did not know. Dreams make you heart race increase and cause a spike in adrenaline. Another interesting fact that I learned is that you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping. I really like this fact, because sometimes a dream can be your escape from dealing with a very difficult issue in your life. The opposite can also be said. Sometimes an issue or person you have been avoiding shows up in your dream night after night and despite your best attempts, it won't go away. This happened to me recently. One of my friends and I got into a fight about a month ago and I have not talk to her since. It has been really hard and stressful, because we were very close. I am a very stubborn and strong willed person which I believe helps me succeed in many case, but occasionally can keep me from logically thinking about a situation. I refused to back down and try to make amends, because in my heart I honestly felt like I had done nothing wrong. I had a dream about a week ago that was about this fight. In the dream it had been over a year and we still had not worked things out. Each of us would avoid the other at all possible costs, but this made it hard because we have all of the same friends. This dream was very literal, because this past month this is what I have done. After having this dream I decided that I didn't want to spend the next two and a half year on this small college campus avoiding someone I used to be best friends with. I decided to text her and ask if we could have a truce and meet for lunch and try to work things out. If anything I am hoping we can move on from this argument and at least be civil with one another. We are meeting tomorrow to talk and hopefully resolve our issues. This dream told me to stop being immature and work things out. I'm hoping this is the right thing to do and that tomorrow goes well.

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