Friday, February 11, 2011

Spring Break Blues

So I decided today I was going to start getting back into shape and start eating healthy. I went to the gym and attempted to run. At first I was thinking, "this is that bad, I can bounce back into running." After all of 5 minutes I was thinking very different thoughts. I began panting as my heart rate quickly rose and sweat started beating down my temples. My legs started having slight spasms probably because they were confused why I was doing such rigorous physical activity after not doing any for months.

Why may you ask am I torturing myself like this? Two words...spring break. A very fun vacation that usually involves a tiny bikini. So to save myself from public embarrassment I have decided to whip myself into shape in a few short weeks. 

As I am running on the treadmill trying to keep a positive attitude and keep myself motivated, I look over at the 40 year old woman running 2 treadmills away from me. Not only is she in much better shape than me, but she is sprinting on the treadmill making it look like she is effortlessly gliding across the rotating track.

People like this make me so mad, well envious I should say. Even at my peak of physical shape I have never enjoyed exercising and I have most certainly not looked like she did on a treadmill! I guess my only hope is to suck it up and try to work hard these next few weeks so that I can enjoy my vacation and feel confident on the beach.

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