Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day #3?

I thought I would love having a snow day. No class, no responsibilities, the perfect mini vacation. But these past few days have been less than pleasant. The roads are so icy and I, being from the south, have absolutely no clue how to drive without skidding across the ice. I've spent the past few days cooped up in my house watching the hours slowly go by. On snow day #2 I tried to venture out and about to get food and see some of my friends. 
Driving across ice was terrifying. I slowly crawled across the pavement at 20 mph attempting to avoid spinning out. When I finally got to the restaurant I was meeting friends out I scooted across the sheets of ice hoping my shoes wouldn't slip from under me. Unfortunately in front of Penne Pomodoro I wiped out on the slanted parking lot pavement bruising me knee pretty badly.  This is slightly less fun then I thought our snow day would be. So SMU has decided to open class tomorrow even though road conditions haven't improved? Really, who that this was a good idea? This is a disaster waiting to happen. Students and faculty are going to be forced to make the trek to class and pray they don't slip down the boulevard. It's kind of ridiculous that SMU is the only school in Dallas that has class tomorrow. Smart move administration. Next week we will all be hobbling bitterly around campus still bruised from this non-snow day. Better grab some ice skates mustangs, because tomorrow it will be the only way to get around campus. 


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