Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Something my mind map says about me...

When I first got the assignment to draw a mind map I immediately freaked out. "I have no idea how to do this; mine is going to look like a 2nd grader did it; I'm definitely going to fail this assignment." All of these thoughts were running through my head as I glanced over the grading rubric. I tried not to think about it for a few days, because of how much I was dreading doing it. I finally began my project on a very icy day in Dallas. I was thankful to have all of the extra time, because I knew I was going to need it. I took a deep breath and started writing, hoping that my mind map wouldn't look too awful. Surprisingly as I kept drawing, it kept looking better and better. My mind map showed me that I really do have more creativity then I give myself credit. The thought of messing up was making me feel overwhelmed and helpless. Once I stopped worrying about what would happen if I messed up, I was able to create a mind map that I was actually very proud of. Once I was finished with my map, I took a step back to admire my hard work. My mind map shows that I love using a wide variety of colors and that I pay attention to detail. I really do believe this assignment showed me that I can be creative all I have to do is relax and start writing.

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