Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where I am from...

H- High School football games 
O- older homes and buildings
U- unique
S- school of tradition and spirit
T- traveling an hour and still you are still in Houston
O- oil companies headquarters downtown
N- never, EVER, snows

T- too many Whataburgers to count
E- Every
X- xtraordinary diversity
A- Astros
S- Sam Houston Statue


It is a small detail of my body, but to a stranger it can say a lot depending on their views and life background. 

They could portray that I am stuck up, superficial, obsessed with physical appearance, rich, spoiled, shallow, no work ethic, have Daddy's money, well taken care of, trend follower

They could also say that I value the importance of hygiene, I like to look put together and well groomed, I like have a clean, modest look, I enjoying treating myself when I work hard and get paid

Depending on who you ask such a small detail about a person can portray such a strong message that could attract someone or cause them to form a negative impression of you. It is a shame that our society has this quality, but it is inevitable that we will judge other based on physical factors. We are only human.

spray tan=not cute

Ok so I'm quite sure how the Oompa Loompa look caught on, but it needs to end now. Recently I have seen more and more people (guys included) buy into the "sunless tan" idea. Yes I know that it is not ideal to look pale in the winter, but spraying orange mist all over your body is not the solution. I walked into the tanning salon today to get a little bit of color before spring break. I went into a bed, not a sprayer. I know that ultra violet rays can be hazardous, but in my opinion it is not bad as long as it's done in moderation. When I was in there I saw a group of guys waiting to get spray tans. I tried to conceal the stunned look on my face, but it was not easy. Why do a bunch of 20 year old guys want to spray themselves with orange mist? Before one of them went into the machine, the owner asked what color he wanted. The boy responded, "the darkest one you have." Oohhhh, big mistake my friend. I have had friends come home looking orange after doing a light or clear, but a dark bronze will be a whole new ballpark. I told the owner how long I wanted to tan and hopped in the bed. When I came out the boy was standing their talking to his friends who were all lying to him telling him that it looked really good. He looked like he was the new mascot for the University of Texas. Covered in burnt orange, all that wasn't dyed were his teeth and the whites of his eyes. I'm hoping he went home and realized how awful it looked and decided to buy a loofa to correct the problem.  Please everyone pay attention to this example and learn from his mistake.....spray tans are not cute! You do not look like you just got back from the beach, you look like you just left Willy Wonka's factory!

2 days until SPRING BREAK

All I can say is YAY. I need a break so bad it's not even funny. On Friday I will be going to Park Cities, Utah to ski with my family. As excited as I am, I am also very nervous. Having only skied once when I was 7, I'm anticipating that I will roll down the mountain at least once before I leave. Unfortunately for me, I am a very clumsy person. So clumsy in fact that I trip on a daily basis just walking wearing tennis shoes. So this trip should be interesting for sure. My aunt, uncle, and three little cousins are coming on the trip wit us and I can't wait to play with them. They are the most hyperactive yet adorable children ever. I will most likely be on the bunny slopes with 5 year old Sophia the whole time, but I'm fine with that. I'm sure my 15 year old brother will be going for the most dangerous slopes possible as he attempts to snowboard. I'm just hoping we won't have to make an emergency room visit while we're here. When my brother is doing something active it typically ends in the hospital so here's hoping that does happen this time. Last time we went skiing Kevin was 5 and my mom accidently put his snow boots on the wrong feet. He skied all dying, complaining and crying about how bad his feet hurt. My mom just assumed he was cold and encouraged him to keep skiing down so that they could go into the ski lodge to warm up. About 200 yards up from the lodge Kevin lost it and sat down in the show and cried. It was then that my mom realized she had put his boots on the wrong feet.....MOM OF THE YEAR AWARD!! haha She felt so bed she carried him down the rest of the way. I'm hoping this time we have another eventful story. I cannot wait to relax with my family and play in the show. I will be the perfect getaway to relieve stress and create new memories.

Does studying really make you smarter?

Studying for midterms in hell. There is no way of avoiding. It is something every college student, like myself, has to suffer through and lose precious hours of sleep over. Racking your brain of more facts than you would think could possibly exist about one topic. I have succeeded in spending 32 straight hours in the library over finals last semester. 32!!!! When I left I was so sleep deprived and caffeine I felt like I was in a trance just letting the autopilot in my body take over. After that final I obviously crashed for such a long time to refuel my over worked body.

Midterms are this week and last week, yay...not! I have made more reviews and flash cards then I thought I would ever have to make in one week. Leaving the library only to grab food, I have been glued to my chair hoping I will absorb all of the information.

I was in the library yesterday with my friend who was studying for her art history midterm. She has to memorize over 100 works of art names, dates, location, and culture. I feel her pain, I had to suffer through art history last semester. She had been at the library since noon and it was 1:30 am. She was making flash cards of her works of art and made the comment, "I'm so annoyed at the long works of art, they don't fit on the note card!" I looked over and immediately started laughing. She didn't think to turn the work of art side ways to fit on the note card. hahahaha That is what sleep deprivation and way to much caffeine will do to you. I wanted her to smile in this picture, but she said she was way to embarrassed. So if you look at studying from this point of view, does it really make you smarter? Clearly not if you can figure out how to turn a picture sideways! haha Good luck studying for midterms everyone. Hopefully you haven't totally lost it yet!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Charlie Sheen has made headlines this week for being fired from 2 and a Half Men due to his irresponsible behavior. He claims that he is just the topic of criticism, because not everyone can be like him and have the "tiger blood" in them. Tiger Blood? hmmm I'm guessing Sheen is referring to his stubborn attitude and refusal to fail, but I know America is thinking of something slightly more illegal. In the 1st aspect "tiger blood" can be a good quality in a person that is motivated to succeed academically and personally. I try to push myself as much as possible academically because I know that it will pay off once I graduate. I refuse to fail and not pursue my dream of working at an ad agency in New York City. I'm in stubborn in the way that I won't let anyone tell me I can't do something I set my mind to. Now my definition of "tiger blood" obviously differs from most American's definition in that mine doesn't involve drugs or alcohol. While Sheen is clearly not being shown in a good light right now, he is (or was) the star of one of the most popular comedies on TV making $2 million an episode. If only I could harness more of that positive "tiger blood" and climb my way to the top of the advertising agency to eventually land a job as an account executive.

collage of me!

Things this collage says about me:
~I love mom had this bow ring made for me!
~I'm very goofy
~I am technology dependent and I have an obsession with purple
~I have a multipoo, Bella, that weighs 4 pounds (our cats weighs more than our dog! haha)
~I have a huge family (31 cousins!)
~I was a cheerleader for 9 years
~I am very close with my sister, Julia, and brother, Kevin

From sweet to sleezy

What is up with these teen stars acting like they are 25 years old? 17 year old, Taylor Momsen stepped on the Hollywood scene when she played Cindy Lou Who in How the Grinch Stole Christmas. She was so adorable and innocent. Fast forward to 2007, at the age of 14 Momsen played the oh so innocent little sister of one of the main characters in Gossip Girl. She looked exactly like a 14 year old should look. Natural hair, moderate makeup, and classy clothing. Taylor kept this look until season 3 of Gossip Girl. It seemed like overnight she went from America's sweetheart to motorcycle groupie.

Maybe Taylor walked onto the set of Vampire Dairies on accident and never realize it. There is no way to justify wearing 3 inch eyeliner with deep red lips. With all of that eye makeup on, Taylor must go through an eyeliner pencil a day. Her reputation has followed this new look as well. Taylor has been spotted at many Hollywood clubs dancing in just a bra....keep in mind SHE'S 17.

Momsen is not the only teen star acting out of control. 18 year old Miley Cyrus has gone from adorable Hannah Montana to dancing on pole and smoking salvia. Clearly Hollywood is a toxic environment for these teen stars. They both went from adorable to trashy so quickly.

Hair, more than just that stuff on your head.

Hair in modern is more than a by-product of our genetic makeup. Hair expresses our mood, personality, age, and most important creativity. Society has perfected the ways we reinvent our hair-do's. From highlights, to low-lights, to extensions, to braids we continuously push the edge of what is considered normal or fashionable. Lady Gaga is not only known for her eccentric outfits. Her inventive hair styles inspire many to keep up with the latest trends and work to create new ones. Being a big fans of bows myself, if I could rock this look out in Dallas I would.
I definitely style my hair to match my mood. When I'm feeling carefree and comfortable I let my hair go free in a wild mane of curls. It's funny to see looks I get from people that don't realize my hair is curly. They seem a little bit shocked that my hair is naturally that big. But what can I say....I was born and raised a Texas girl. Big hair is in my nature. When I want to look more professional and composed, I straighten my hair for a sleek simple style. I think both hair styles radiate different personalities and moods to people around me. I'm hoping the hair industry continues to innovate and create new styles and trends. Bring on the volume and big curls, I'm ready.