Monday, March 7, 2011

From sweet to sleezy

What is up with these teen stars acting like they are 25 years old? 17 year old, Taylor Momsen stepped on the Hollywood scene when she played Cindy Lou Who in How the Grinch Stole Christmas. She was so adorable and innocent. Fast forward to 2007, at the age of 14 Momsen played the oh so innocent little sister of one of the main characters in Gossip Girl. She looked exactly like a 14 year old should look. Natural hair, moderate makeup, and classy clothing. Taylor kept this look until season 3 of Gossip Girl. It seemed like overnight she went from America's sweetheart to motorcycle groupie.

Maybe Taylor walked onto the set of Vampire Dairies on accident and never realize it. There is no way to justify wearing 3 inch eyeliner with deep red lips. With all of that eye makeup on, Taylor must go through an eyeliner pencil a day. Her reputation has followed this new look as well. Taylor has been spotted at many Hollywood clubs dancing in just a bra....keep in mind SHE'S 17.

Momsen is not the only teen star acting out of control. 18 year old Miley Cyrus has gone from adorable Hannah Montana to dancing on pole and smoking salvia. Clearly Hollywood is a toxic environment for these teen stars. They both went from adorable to trashy so quickly.

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