Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Does studying really make you smarter?

Studying for midterms in hell. There is no way of avoiding. It is something every college student, like myself, has to suffer through and lose precious hours of sleep over. Racking your brain of more facts than you would think could possibly exist about one topic. I have succeeded in spending 32 straight hours in the library over finals last semester. 32!!!! When I left I was so sleep deprived and caffeine I felt like I was in a trance just letting the autopilot in my body take over. After that final I obviously crashed for such a long time to refuel my over worked body.

Midterms are this week and last week, yay...not! I have made more reviews and flash cards then I thought I would ever have to make in one week. Leaving the library only to grab food, I have been glued to my chair hoping I will absorb all of the information.

I was in the library yesterday with my friend who was studying for her art history midterm. She has to memorize over 100 works of art names, dates, location, and culture. I feel her pain, I had to suffer through art history last semester. She had been at the library since noon and it was 1:30 am. She was making flash cards of her works of art and made the comment, "I'm so annoyed at the long works of art, they don't fit on the note card!" I looked over and immediately started laughing. She didn't think to turn the work of art side ways to fit on the note card. hahahaha That is what sleep deprivation and way to much caffeine will do to you. I wanted her to smile in this picture, but she said she was way to embarrassed. So if you look at studying from this point of view, does it really make you smarter? Clearly not if you can figure out how to turn a picture sideways! haha Good luck studying for midterms everyone. Hopefully you haven't totally lost it yet!

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