Wednesday, March 9, 2011

2 days until SPRING BREAK

All I can say is YAY. I need a break so bad it's not even funny. On Friday I will be going to Park Cities, Utah to ski with my family. As excited as I am, I am also very nervous. Having only skied once when I was 7, I'm anticipating that I will roll down the mountain at least once before I leave. Unfortunately for me, I am a very clumsy person. So clumsy in fact that I trip on a daily basis just walking wearing tennis shoes. So this trip should be interesting for sure. My aunt, uncle, and three little cousins are coming on the trip wit us and I can't wait to play with them. They are the most hyperactive yet adorable children ever. I will most likely be on the bunny slopes with 5 year old Sophia the whole time, but I'm fine with that. I'm sure my 15 year old brother will be going for the most dangerous slopes possible as he attempts to snowboard. I'm just hoping we won't have to make an emergency room visit while we're here. When my brother is doing something active it typically ends in the hospital so here's hoping that does happen this time. Last time we went skiing Kevin was 5 and my mom accidently put his snow boots on the wrong feet. He skied all dying, complaining and crying about how bad his feet hurt. My mom just assumed he was cold and encouraged him to keep skiing down so that they could go into the ski lodge to warm up. About 200 yards up from the lodge Kevin lost it and sat down in the show and cried. It was then that my mom realized she had put his boots on the wrong feet.....MOM OF THE YEAR AWARD!! haha She felt so bed she carried him down the rest of the way. I'm hoping this time we have another eventful story. I cannot wait to relax with my family and play in the show. I will be the perfect getaway to relieve stress and create new memories.

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