Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fun Palindromes

"Dammit I'm Mad" is "Dammit I'm Mad" spelled backwards

"Live not on evil"

"Murder for a jar of red rum"

"Party boobytrap"

"Yo banana boy"

My Mom is so cool...NOT!

My mom tries to be cool with text messaging and facebook but she fails big time! haha

My mom's Chicken Spaghetti Recipe

Chicken Spaghetti

1 Box of Pasta (bow-tie, spiral, spaghetti)
16 oz. American cheese (not velveeta, but a block of Kraft or store American cheese)
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
Miscellaneous frozen veggies (corn, peas, carrots)
1 package chicken breasts

Put chicken in a large dutch oven of water.  Boil until done (30 min or so). Take chicken out and put on cutting board. Use strainer to strain water, but save water for cooking pasta. Cook pasta until done.
Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces.
 In another pan, melt cheese, adding butter and milk and stirring until melted. Be careful not to burn. Wisk in the soup and added more milk until smooth consistency.
In another pan, put a small amount of water and heat frozen veggies.
Mix all together in large bowl.

My mom always makes this for me when I come home and I cannot wait another week for this delicious meal. As simple as it is, it is damn good. I eat until I am uncomfortable full. If you are ever in the mood for something easy but good I strongly suggest you make this!

Everything is bigger in texas

If you aren't from Texas you are probably wonder that retarded looking thing around my neck is. For homecoming in high school the boys buy their dates mums. A mum is nothing more than a bunch of ribbon, glitter, and feathers with a $200 price tag on it. Yes I said it $200. These poor boys make their parents spend money on such a stupid novelty. Every year in high school I told my date that I didn't need a big mum, that a single would be just fine. A single is the smallest size you can get, it is actually a pin you just pin on your shirt. A double is the next size up and it is worn around your neck. Following the double is a triple and finally the mother of all mums, the quadruple. (Shown in the picture above) Seriously how ridiculous do we look? My mum was so heavy I swore I had a small child hanging from my neck. My date made it a point to tell me he was going all out for senior homecoming and I was going to have an extravagant mum. I tried to sound appreciative and excited but honestly I could care less. We went together to sophomore homecoming as well and when I suggested that we just re-use those mums he instantly shot that idea down. The day before the big homecoming game my date brought my mum over to my house so that I could wear it in the morning. He pointed out all of the features he had picked out especially for me. 1. It was purple, my favorite color  2. It had a bear with a custom made cheer uniform on that matched the one I'm wearing in the picture  3. It had blinking lights and big bows  4. The most ridiculous feature on my mum was the bubble machine. Yes, a bubble machine. Seriously? I walked around all day with my mum randomly spitting out bubbles at people as they walked by. The unnecessary novelty set my date back quite a bit making the grand total of my mum around $300. I'm hoping people from other parts of the country teach my fellow Texans that bigger is not always better.

Back when I took sleep for granted...

High school days were great. I had minimal homework (less than 1 hour a night) and minimal responsibilities. 

I would come home from school and plop down on the couch to see what was on TV. After about an hour of that I would either take a nap or go to the gym, tan, layout, something of that nature.

Later I would do my 1 hour of homework and then help my mom make dinner. After I would watch some more TV, Facebook creep and then eventually go to bed. I never realized that going to bed before midnight was all going to change once I went to college.

Now I'm lucky if I go to bed by 2. If I get 5 hours of sleep in one night I consider it a good night. This pattern has caused me to become a caffeine addict. I have to drink a Redline Energy Drink just to get me through the day. Many haven't heard of Redline, because it is not very easy to find. Because of the extremely high levels of caffeine the FDA regulates who can purchase it. How high you might ask? 

Monster, Red Bull, Amp, and Rockstar all contain 85 mg of caffeine
A typical cup of coffee contains 70-85 mg of caffeine
Redline contains 368 mg of caffeine

Think you can handle it? Many of my friends look at me like I'm psychotic when I tell them this fact. I guess I have just built up a tolerance to these drinks that now it doesn't really effect me like it does others. I now some people who have fainted from shortness of breath, had rapid heart beats, or felt really shaky. I guess it's just a risk to take but it's the only thing that keeps me from falling asleep in class.

Text messaging

I think text messaging has been a great advance in the way we communicate to one another, but I also think  it has some major consequences. Prior to the texting phenomenon, friends and couples used to talk on the phone to each other for long periods of time. Nowadays it is not uncommon to not actually talk to something on the phone for a few days. Instead, impersonal text messages are sent. Although the same message is getting across, the meaning of the message might be interpreted in a completely different way. For example, it's pretty much impossible to tell when a person is being sarcastic in a text message. A simple joke could turn into a fight between two friends. Many people hide behind text messaging, because the feel they are more "emotionally safe." They are protected by the imaginary bubble of technology. I think couples relationships have been greatly affected by this trend. Couples spend less time communicating directly to one another and instead let their fingers and their cell phones do the work. Our society is so innovative and gets so excited when a new product or feature comes out, but I think we need to take a step back and look at how much we are letting technology live our lives for us.

How long it takes me to write a blog

It takes 15 minutes of talking

20 minutes of stalking some else's facebook pictures

10 minutes of checking my email

10 minutes of looking around trying to figure out what to write

and 15 minutes to write it once I figure out what I'm going to write about

= 1 hour and 10 minutes per blog X 40 blogs

47 hours total

Almost 2 days of blogging