Tuesday, April 26, 2011


One thing I wish so badly that I had is pretty handwriting. I clearly was not paying attention in 1st and 2nd grade in penmanship class. I really regret this now because when I'm writing quickly my notes get extremely sloppy. Sure I can sit there and write every letter precisely but who has time to do that? I envy my friends that have perfect curled letters that could be mistaken for calligraphy. Each one of my friends handwriting describes them perfectly. One has very big and bubbly handwriting exactly like her personality. No matter what we are doing she is outgoing and fun spirited. Another has very precise and neat handwriting exactly how she handles every aspect of her life. Her room is always spotless, her grades are always top notch, and she is always put together. Another friend writes everything in perfect cursive like it was going to be hung in an art gallery. She is classy and very detail oriented much like her handwriting. I unfortunately have what I like to call "random handwriting." Sometimes it looks pretty good and other times it looks like a hot mess. I have absolutely no consistency and that makes my notes look very interesting. I guess it really isn't that big of a deal that my handwriting doesn't look beautiful. At least I can read it!

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