Tuesday, April 26, 2011

When I thought I knew it all...

I have recently been thinking about how much I have grown up throughout my past two years in college. I thought about my attitude in high school and all of the stupid fights I had gotten in with my mom, because she had no idea what she was talking about. Many times I convinced myself I had been right in those arguments. It really hit me that we wouldn’t have those same fights anymore know that I was on my own in college. I have had to learn from my own failures, because my parents were not there to guide me. I think these failures have only made me stronger and wiser. There were many things I was convinced I knew and I was positive I was right. Being independent has made me realize that not only can I be wrong sometimes but also that sometimes there just isn't a right answer. College has made me more focused, more goal oriented, and more responsible. I have enjoyed living in my first house with 4 other roommates. I have learned patience from this situation. Living with 4 other girls that have all been raised differently is no easy task. Over the past year I have realized that I cannot get mad if something in the house is not the way I want it, or if my roommates living habits were different than mine. Although I got frustrated many times I learned to take a deep breath and try to relax. College has taught me so much about life and how it will be when I graduate and live on my own. I am grateful that I have my family's support if I ever need anything but it's is nice to know that I can make decisions for myself.

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