Thursday, April 28, 2011

Everything is bigger in texas

If you aren't from Texas you are probably wonder that retarded looking thing around my neck is. For homecoming in high school the boys buy their dates mums. A mum is nothing more than a bunch of ribbon, glitter, and feathers with a $200 price tag on it. Yes I said it $200. These poor boys make their parents spend money on such a stupid novelty. Every year in high school I told my date that I didn't need a big mum, that a single would be just fine. A single is the smallest size you can get, it is actually a pin you just pin on your shirt. A double is the next size up and it is worn around your neck. Following the double is a triple and finally the mother of all mums, the quadruple. (Shown in the picture above) Seriously how ridiculous do we look? My mum was so heavy I swore I had a small child hanging from my neck. My date made it a point to tell me he was going all out for senior homecoming and I was going to have an extravagant mum. I tried to sound appreciative and excited but honestly I could care less. We went together to sophomore homecoming as well and when I suggested that we just re-use those mums he instantly shot that idea down. The day before the big homecoming game my date brought my mum over to my house so that I could wear it in the morning. He pointed out all of the features he had picked out especially for me. 1. It was purple, my favorite color  2. It had a bear with a custom made cheer uniform on that matched the one I'm wearing in the picture  3. It had blinking lights and big bows  4. The most ridiculous feature on my mum was the bubble machine. Yes, a bubble machine. Seriously? I walked around all day with my mum randomly spitting out bubbles at people as they walked by. The unnecessary novelty set my date back quite a bit making the grand total of my mum around $300. I'm hoping people from other parts of the country teach my fellow Texans that bigger is not always better.

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